Info about the tool

Purpose: make applied research in the Netherlands accessible and visible
Who is it for: researchers, lecturers, practitioners, media
Technique: online platform

Type of tool: accessibility tool
Prior knowledge: none
Complexity: low
Time investment: hours



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What is Publinova?

Publinova brings together information about – and knowledge of – applied research in the Netherlands and connects researchers on a national platform: 

The platform provides space for presenting information about researchers, research projects and research outputs (e.g. prototypes, protocols, models or teaching materials). Through the platform, researchers can manage, edit, add and also display their research results on other websites. The platform aims to establish a community of researchers at universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands who share knowledge and information with each other and with other interested parties, such as potential cooperation partners. An editorial team provides general news and background information on applied research.

How do you use Publinova?
Publinova is a public platform available for anyone to consult. It can be searched by themes, researchers or research projects. If your university is a member of Publinova, information from the source system used by your university (such as PURE and SURFsharekit) is automatically displayed on the platform. In that case, you can also log in to the platform via a SURFconext or EduID account. This allows you to manage, modify and add new information.

What is the origin of Publinova?
Publinova is an initiative of the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Science (NAUAS), the Dutch Taskforce for Applied Research SIA (Regieorgaan SIA), HBO Knowledge Infrastructure (HKI) and SURF, and is implemented by 14 participating universities of applied sciences: HAN University of Applied Sciences, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, ArtEZ, Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS), Codarts Rotterdam, Fontys, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, Saxion, Van Hall Larenstein, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (as lead organisation).